What is Sugaring?
Sugaring is a safe natural approach to body hair removal, we use an actual ball of sugar paste.
Sugar is safe for all skin types and hair textures.
Sugaring over an extended period of time depletes the hair follicles and can lead to permanent hair removal.
What's in the Sugar paste?
Sugar paste is made with 3 natural ingredients which are Sugar, Water, Lemon.
Sugar paste at room temperature, never applied hot!
The result is an ultra-smooth touch with no burning from hot wax or abrasions from hard wax
Preparation and After Treatment
Don't drink coffee of caffeinated drinks 1 hour prior to your appointment as it makes the skin more sensitive to pain (this includes energy drinks or sugary beverages)
Exfoliate 1-2 days before your appointment to prepare your skin and hair.
Sunburned, irritated or areas with open skin cannot be waxed or sugared.
Sugaring can't be performed if you have had a physician administered peel within the past two (2) years.
You must wait a minimum of seven (7) days before service after a light chemical peel or microdermabrasion.
Sugaring cannot be performed if you have been in a tanning booth the same day.
Sugaring cannot be performed if you have had laser skin resurfacing within the past year.
Sugaring No-No's
Sugaring should never be performed on a client that is using Retin-A, Accutane, Renova, Differin or any other acne medications that thin the skin. Please read the label carefully and consult your dermatologist if you are taking any medication or using any topical cream that contains these medications. Facial sugaring or waxing should not be performed on patients using the following medications:
Accutane (You must be off this medication treatment course a minimum of one year prior to waxing)
Retin A
Things to avoid
Your hair follicles will be open after your treatment, so it is important to avoid the following for 24-48 hours after your service. This will help to prevent bacteria getting into the pores and causing infection.
Excessive perspiration and friction
Sauna / Steam room
Hot bath / Shower / Swimming
UV exposure
Fake tan / Body Lotion / Perfume
Tight clothing
Deodorant (underarms)
Make Up (facial waxing)
Will I be completely smooth the very first time?
Sugaring is a “work in progress”, not a quick fix. So the first time, you might notice a few extra hairs that are too short to be removed, or notice a small amount of growth the first couple of weeks. This is simply due to the different growth cycles and completely normal at first. After a few regular appointments (4-6 weeks apart), your hair will get on the same cycle, resulting in a smooth wax every time you visit! You will start noticing weaker, finer hair growth!
What to expect at your appointment
Don’t worry we will kindly take you through what to expect before and after your treatment. And remember we’re not only women but also professionals in the field, we do this all day long. We’ve seen it all, sugared it all, so don't worry yourself about feeling exposed.
We ask that our clients undress from the waist down but we will provide you with a draping towel so you won't feel over exposed. We leave the treatment room while you get undressed and also leave after your treatment.
Which service is right for me?
The Brazilian sugaring is our most popular service. If you are unsure of what you want done, feel free ask us about the different options so you get the look you want. For first timers, a good option is to start with the Classic bikini. You should do whatever makes you comfortable, whether it’s a more natural look or totally bare.
How long does it take to get sugared?
Depending on the body part and the density of hair, your appointment will take between 10-60 minutes. First appointments can take a bit longer as there may be some tweezing to achieve the cleanest results. Thorough results are our goal, not speed. A woman’s Brazilian may take up to 30 minutes to do correctly–especially if this is your first time or it’s been awhile since your last hair removal service.
Can I get sugared while I have my period?
Yes! You may be a little more sensitive during your period. For that reason, we recommend scheduling your appointment during the first two weeks after your cycle. Your sensitivity level can be less during this time. However, if you come in for a service during your menstrual cycle, we ask that you wear a tampon during the service.
Should I trim my hair before coming in?
We prefer you not to trim before sugaring. If you trim too much it may be harder for the wax to grab. We take care of any trimming that is necessary.
How long should I wait between appointments?
We recommend sugaring every 4 to 6 weeks depending on your hair growth. This allows the hair to grow to a recommended length of ¼ inch and takes into account that each hair follicle is on its own growth cycle. Sugaring more frequently may not give all of your hair sufficient time to grow out—perpetuating the cycle to sugar more frequently. You may notice a small amount of regrowth after about a week. It can take 2 to 3 treatments to get on a hair growth cycle that gives the best results. With repeated sugaring, unwanted hair grows back finer and sparser and your skin will be smooth for weeks.
Does it hurt?
Sugaring is 50-75 percent less painful than regular waxing. Since the sugar doesn't adhere to live skin cells it doesn't pull your skin. If you feel you are sensitive to pain, we recommend taking a mild painkiller such as Ibuprofen 30 minutes prior to your appointment. Always avoid caffeine before! Stimulants increase sensitivity. Pregnancy can also increase sensitivity. Hydration and sleep is also important. Nerve sensitivity can come from stress and fatigue. Also, if you are feeling under the weather, you ask that you do reschedule since the onset of a cold will make your service that much more sensitive.
Remember the first time is the worst time.. after that, you'll be sugaring like a pro!
What's the difference between a bikini, brazilian and male brazilian?
Bikini sugaring is everything that would show when wearing a normal bikini with an option to add the back strip. Full brazilian is everything from front to back with an option to add the happy trail. Male brazilian is full front to back strip. Men have the option of bikini as well.
Can I get sugared while pregnant?
Yes! Sugaring is absolutely safe for pregnant women.
Our sugar paste is free of chemicals, resins and toxins.